Ana içeriğe atla



When I don’t know where you are, I find you in the Black Hole. You are alone. Alone in your feelings,in your thoughts, in your body, in your life. You’ve been talking to yourself for a long time. You cry to yourself. You brew coffee to yourself, drink wine with yourself. You read with yourself. At the end of busy days, you are with yourself again. You sit alone. There will be tomorrow great programs, jewellery, clothes, food, conversations.. and then you are alone again.

I know no one will ask you “how was your day”. You’re living but you can’t tell, I know. That’s why you are here. And that’s why I’m here too. We’re looking at emptiness. I think it’s peaceful to see emptiness. If you shout, only I will hear to echo of your voice. You want to shout. You want to cry. And that’s all you can do. Because tears flow involuntarily. It’s sad that this is all you can do when you can’t help it.

How long will you stay here? Don’t take too long this time. Get up for your dreams. Get up from that place crying if you have to. Get away from here. Come on.

I wonder if silence makes the pain deeper. That’s why this Black Hole is so deep?




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